Whether you need one developer to cover project needs or a full-cycle team of specialists for a long-term partnership, we will provide you with any amount of web development experts

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Why do you need outstaffing web development services?
01Fill in the talent gap in your development team

No need to hire new in-house employees — just use our outstaffing web development services and choose candidates to work on your project for the time you require.

02Get access to specific technical expertise

Benefit from the skills and experiences of our developers, business analysts, QA, and DevOps engineers. We’ll share our knowledge and help your team grow.

03Finish a web development project fast

The deadline is approaching and your team still has a lot of tasks to complete? Speed the development process up by using our outstaffing web development services.

04Recreate your mobile app for web

The deadline is approaching and your team still has a lot of tasks to complete? Speed the development process up by using our outstaffing web development services.

Outstaffing web development process at Brivian


First contact

We find out your needs, budget expectations and clarify all specifications — which web development specialists you need, how many of them, and for what period of time.


Picking up specialists

We select available specialists according to your technical requirements and send you their CVs. You can interview each specialist or just the team lead, in case you need a full-cycle team.


Approving specialists

As soon as you check the CVs and assign an interview, you can book the candidates so that we don’t show them to other clients. After the interview, you can take your time to make a decision.


Starting off

When you approve the candidates, we agree on when they will start working on your project. Then we sign a contract and you start onboarding the specialists in your team.

What our clients say
Picture of the author
Roman Chistyakov
Founder of SAORSA startup

We worked with web and mobile app development company Brivian on the Saorsa project. The team was very good at communicating, responsive and friendly during the whole project. At all stages of development, the guys showed intermediate results and offered their solutions. Team took care to make the app convenient for the end user. They have extensive experience in mobile development and know many nuances which the startupper may not know about. This was very helpful.

Picture of the author
Derek Distenfield
COO, CFO & Co-founder of Gsdvs

I came with a cryptocurrency app request and Brivian was the perfect solution to build the utmost viable platform. They deliver excellent quality services and are customer-friendly. The team`s commitment to driving results and incredible technical expertise encourages long-term partnership. Highly recommend!

Our Insights

How much does outstaffing cost?

To calculate the cost of outstaffing web development services, we take the specialist’s hourly rate and multiply it by the hours needed for your project. Contact us to get an accurate estimate.

For how long can I hire your employees?

You can hire specialists from our outstaffing company for any amount of time — we will conclude a contract and put all the terms and conditions there.

Why use outstaffing if I can just hire new employees?

First of all, recruitment takes a lot of time and resources. The demand for IT specialists is great and companies literally fight for valuable experts. Even if you’re lucky and can find specialists fast, you’ll have to keep them even when the project is finished and you have no other tasks for them. With outstaffing you can extend or cut your team whenever you need. Plus, you don’t have to worry about any organizational expenses — outstaffing company Brivian will take care of everything while you can focus on your business tasks.

Which specialists does your outstaffing company provide?

You can use the outstaffing web development services of our frontend and backend developers, business analysts, QA and DevOps engineers.

How do I know if your web development company’s specialists are experienced enough?

You’ll be able to interview the candidates and ask them any questions regarding their experience and skills to make sure that they meet the requirements of your project.

How many specialists can I hire from your outstaffing company?

As many as you need. Our web development company has more than 100 specialists and can put together a full-cycle development team or provide you with an existing team. It’s also possible to hire one specialist and integrate them into your in-house team.

What is your outstaffing web development tech stack?

Here are technologies we rely on:

Languages: Go, C/C++, Python, Java
Frameworks: Spring, Echo, Flask, Spark, Gval, Gorilla, Asyncio, Aiohttp, Socket.IO
Databases: Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse

Languages: JavaScript
Frameworks: Vue.js, React, Angular, VueX, Redux, Bootstrap, RxJS, Apollo, Electron, Cypress, Socket.IO, Web Assembly

What is the difference between outsourcing and outstaffing web development?

When you work with an outsourcing company, you entrust them the whole project from A to Z. Outstaffing allows you to use the services of remote specialists officially hired by another company to help your project. The specialist will work as a part of your in-house team, while the outstaffing company will take care of wages, taxes, vacations, sick leaves, and equipment. At Brivian, we use both models.

What if your candidate won’t fit me?

We can pick up another web development specialist. First, we’ll need to figure out why the candidate didn’t fit you — it will help us understand your requirements better and choose a more appropriate candidate.

Can I change the specialist if something goes wrong?

If you approved the candidate after the interview and they started working on your project, and then you thought that something went wrong — we could change the specialist for another one. We would need to clarify everything and find out why exactly it happened.