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Ethereum App Development: a Step-by-Step Guide
20 APR 2023

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have become parts of our reality in recent years. Ethereum, as one of the largest blockchain platforms in the world, brings out a high diversity of innovative applications and offers more than just a digital currency. Ethereum apps are built upon the high-speed capability of smart contracts and provide greater scalability. That increases the demand growth for the Ethereum app development services. 

Keep reading this definitive guide to discover what the leading steps in the Ethereum app development are and how to develop your own dApp

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that bases on smart contract functionality. It qualifies for building applications, making transactions, and communicating without central authority control. It can be used by anyone due to transparency in operations and information storage security.

It was launched in 2015 with the intent of presenting new solutions and types of applications. And today, it is widely used in the Ethereum app development.

This platform is also known for having its cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH). It is the Ethereum blockchain native token. You can use Ether as an investment because it is completely digital, and all the payments are sent directly without any third party involved. At this point, it’s the second-largest cryptocurrency to Bitcoin (BTC).

It’s also crucial to understand the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin. Even though both of them operate on a blockchain and have a lot in common, they differ from each other. Bitcoin was designed only as an alternative currency, whereas Ethereum is a platform for building new apps.

Ethereum app development. Ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum platform is a fundamental part of Ethereum app development.

What is Ethereum app development?

The Ethereum app development is about building an application on a decentralized network that combines a smart contract and a front-end user interface. An Ethereum blockchain app can be developed in different programming languages.

Let’s present a glossary with all the necessary concepts, terms, and parts of the Ethereum app development, so you will always feel like a fish in water:
  • Blockchain. This is a digital ledger technology that decentralizes and distributes data throughout the entire peer-to-peer network. Block represents stored data, whereas the chain is the connection between data and its codependency.
  • Cryptocurrency. A digital currency that is not under any central authority, like a central bank or government. It utilizes a cryptographic approach for security purposes and exists only in virtual form. The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, which was released in 2009. As time passed, more and more types started to appear, such as Ether, ADA, XRP, LTC, and many others.
  • Ether. It is Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, which can be shortened to ETH. As we have mentioned before, the main purpose of ETH, as a transactional digital token, is to be used for payments, transaction fees, or just like an investment. 
  • Decentralized application (dApp) is a digital application that runs on a decentralized peer-to-peer network or blockchain instead of being located just on a single server. Due to decentralization, dApps are impossible to control by third-party authorities. It explains why these apps can guarantee total user privacy. 
They are also powered by smart contracts.
  • Smart contract. It is an agreement stored on the Ethereum blockchain that enables making transactions when certain conditions are encountered. In the simplest terms, it is when the written code on a blockchain automatically executes just after a predetermined user’s action is made.
  • Peer-to-peer network. A type of network where connected computer devices can share access and equally process data. They are all playing the server role, so you won’t have problems if one of the servers goes down. This is the most efficient and resistant to downtime network.
  • Web3. This term refers to the internet of the future that focuses on decentralization processes. Web3 is owned totally by users and builders in the online community. It utilizes blockchains, tokens, and NFTs to create a unique way of ownership.
  • Gas is a required payment fee to make a transaction or execute a specific operation on the Ethereum network. The purpose of gas is to prevent spamming and establish maximum security across the network. It is paid to Ethereum miners that confirm the transactions.
  • Node. In Ethereum development, this term means a computer that runs on the client’s software and creates an Ethereum network. There are three types of nodes: full node, light node, and archive node. The difference between them is data interpretation. The full node contains and distributes the entire data. The light node stores only basic data. However, the archive node stores the same amount of data as the full node but additionally creates a backup history of blockchain states. 
  • API, also known as Application Programming Interface, represents a code that enables the communication process between two and more software programs. In a way, this is a set of protocols used in the Ethereum app development.
  • Proof-of-work, or PoW, is an algorithm that lets blockchain nodes verify and track down transactions and data statuses on a network. To run the verification process smoothly, you require more computers and equipment to approve the transactions. But it decentralizes a network much better.
  • Proof-of-stake, or PoS, is a consensus method or mechanism used for creating validator nodes (full nodes that take part in consensus) and transactions. Compared to proof-of-work, PoS is cost-effective and faster in speed. It uses less energy to conduct a transaction or create a new block. 
  • Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM, is a software environment where decentralized apps are built by developers. It is also used for executing smart contracts and acts as a database for all the accounts. 
This is everything we have wanted to let you know about Ethereum development. With all that in mind, it’s time to move on and tell you more about the 7 main steps in the Ethereum app development process. 

What are the main steps in Ethereum app development?

Here are the main steps in the Ethereum app development:

1. Determinate the problem 

Probably by now, you already have an Ethereum blockchain app idea. But there are still some things to do, such as planning and knowing the purpose of an app. What kind of issues does it solve? 

If this is a bit challenging for you, then consider doing marketing research. Learn more about the target audience, analyze the market, get feedback, and test different marketing channels. Perhaps you will identify the problems your app solves much more easily. 

2. Proof-of-Concept

Prototype your application to build a wireframe. It’s all about creating the whole concept of visuals. Take your time to discuss all the essential details. Consider presenting the prototype in the mockups and collect as much feedback as you can.

Plus, there should be a talk about the types of technologies you consider utilizing. What are the fundamental functionalities of your application? In a way, it will help to test your app with low risks and resource usage before committing to something huge. 

3. Design

It’s time to work on the user-friendly interface and create app architecture. The prototype slowly but surely becomes a completely working Ethereum blockchain app. Also, you may want to work on scalability and security purposes at this stage. 

Focus on precise visualization of each element. It’s better to bring some changes as of now than spend a massive part of the budget when the whole design and coding are made. It won’t only increase the cost of the project but push forward the deployment date. 

4. Pick a Framework and Tools

Here you have to choose and install tools to create a local environment. These are by far popular frameworks and pre-stacks:
  • Truffle Framework. This is a development environment based on the Ethereum blockchain meant for developing decentralized applications. It is used as a testing framework and asset pipeline, too.
  • Solidity. It is a programming language utilized for constructing and executing smart contracts.
  • MetaMask Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet in the Ethereum app development that allows users to make any kind of cryptocurrency transaction.
  • Waffle is a framework for testing smart contracts.
  • Hardhat is a development environment that permits testing, deploying, and fixing bugs on the Ethereum network.
All the advised above frameworks will provide the required technology and features. Make the Ethereum app development less stressful!

5. Development 

This is when the Ethereum development team starts to work on building an app. The first thing on a list is to think of a project directory. 

Then start creating a smart contract. To do so, you need to connect to the MetaMask wallet and use the Solidity programming language. After that, you can focus on the migration script and coding.

6. Testing

You need to make sure your smart contract works properly. To do so, run some tests to detect any occurring bugs in the functionality of the dApp.

Keep in mind that the code in the Ethereum blockchain app is unchangeable. If you want to bring some modifications, you have to deploy a new copy. And deploying a new copy costs Ether. Minimize the errors before the deployment and save some money.

7. Deployment 

After the prolonged and detailed testing, you can launch the Ethereum blockchain app!

These are simplified steps for a better understanding. Of course, there is so much more to look into and pay attention to from the technical side of the Ethereum app development. And if you need any help, our Ethereum development team will be glad to assist. Just fill out the form below the article or here, and we will contact you as soon as possible. 

Why is it worth choosing Ethereum Blockchain?

There are several reasons why it’s worth considering choosing the Ethereum blockchain, including the fact that this is one of the most flexible platforms that exists at this moment. With over a few thousand built dApps in Ethereum development, its main advantage is testing in real life. It quickly adapts to innovations and stays resilient. 

Plus, having a digital asset (tokenization) protects business and makes transactions faster. It can be easily tracked down while still maintaining a high level of security.

Here are some major benefits of Ethereum that play a huge role in making decisions:
  • Low-cost business model. Being an affordable platform, Ethereum offers cheaper money transactions and easy access to users.
  • Huge ecosystem. Ethereum is an ever-growing platform with numerous types of decentralized applications created on smart contracts.
  • Transparent system. Ethereum provides transparency in transactions as part of its security standards. They all can be easily traced down and maintained.
  • Private network. Ethereum allows building a private network rather than the public one. The private network permits keeping the data confidential. Depending on the type of business request, you can customize it to fit your needs. By the way, this network can be utilized during testing and play the role of a backend while resolving issues too.
  • Smooth development process. As Ethereum is a fully customizable and flexible platform, it delivers efficiently implemented innovations and a seamless development cycle for your dApps.

Examples of Ethereum Development apps

There are huge variations and opportunities in the Ethereum app development. It’s up to you to decide which app you would like to build. But the most popular types of Ethereum blockchain apps are:
  • Games and virtual worlds.
  • Money transfer and payment apps.
  • Casino and gambling.
  • Digital wallet.
  • Social networking apps.
  • Marketplace apps.
  • Investment apps.
  • Market predictions apps.
  • Music streaming apps.
  • Healthcare apps.


Let’s summarize and mention the important points for this topic:
  • Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that focuses on building applications powered by smart contracts.
  • To understand the Ethereum app development, you may need to know the primary terms.
  • There are seven vital steps in building a dApp on the Ethereum platform.
  • The Ethereum blockchain is a very adjustable and high-security platform.
  • You can build whatever app you want on the Ethereum network.
Ethereum has created a whole ecosystem because of the opportunity to develop the finest dApps in many areas and make them customizable. It’s no wonder why Ethereum is thriving for its innovations.

In case you’re looking for support or assistance in the Ethereum app development, let us know via the form either below or here. We will be happy to discuss and monetize your project ideas!